Selection processes
The program admits masters and PhD candidates on a yearly basis, usually in the second semester, with classes starting in the following March. Candidates must have an undergraduate degree in agronomic sciences, biological sciences, biomedical sciences, forestry sciences or related areas. The admission process includes an assessment of candidates knowledge of English and plant biology as well as the analysis of the candidates curriculum vitae. Six months after admission, the candidate must present a detailed research project to be evaluated by an examining committee and the program advisor.
Further information, requirements and application dates, exams, openings, and other updates will be provided in the call for admission at the beginning of the selection cycle on this website
The program admits masters and PhD candidates on a yearly basis, usually in the second semester, with classes starting in the following March. Candidates must have an undergraduate degree in agronomic sciences, biological sciences, biomedical sciences, forestry sciences or related areas. The admission process includes an assessment of candidates knowledge of English and plant biology as well as the analysis of the candidates curriculum vitae. Six months after admission, the candidate must present a detailed research project to be evaluated by an examining committee and the program advisor.
Further information, requirements and application dates, exams, openings, and other updates will be provided in the call for admission at the beginning of the selection cycle on this website
Special student
Special Students
Special Students are those who have not been admitted to a degree program but who are taking degree-credit courses to qualify for admission or for other personal reasons. The selection process for special student candidates takes place in the first and second semesters.